Zelda teams up with U.K. company to sell medicinal cannabis

This statement aligns with the organization’s approach to establish HOPE cannabinoid goods in 2020. The price is an significant part Zelda’s commercialisation plan as it changes towards revenue generation. HOPE is a medical cannabis merchandise, possessed by Ilera Therapeutics, used to treat symptoms experienced by people around the Autism Spectrum. Zelda recently declared aims to unite with […]

Parents of teenager with severe epilepsy call for easier access to medical cannabis prescriptions

Craig Williams and Rachel Rankmore created their plea in episode of Countryfile Diaries where they spoke about their son, Bailey, along with his cannabis-based therapy. The newsletter cut through the SoundBailey, 17, has Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, a more serious form of epilepsy that is hard to treat and may see him encounter around 100 seizures a day. […]